Organisational change
Feel free to contact me if you want to hear more
- Henrik Gissel Szokody
- +45 4245 8797
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Organisational change – from strategic considerations to the final profit realisation
Change isn’t brought about by organisations in a vacuum, but by the people within those organisations. When enough of those people are knowledgeable, competent and motivated to change their behaviour, an organisation achieves change too. The majority of changes in our work life are driven by the technological possibilities available to us. This is why organisational change almost always goes hand in hand with technical implementation. In a nutshell, technology is what makes it possible to change the way we work.
Organisational implementation is a broad discipline that covers all aspects of this change; from the very first strategic considerations and decisions, right up to the final profit realisation in the business. Globeteam can support you through this process, helping you make sure that your project sticks to the budget, ends on time and delivers the expected results.
Organisational change with individual adjustments
Organisational implementation ensures that the technical solution(s) you implement have the desired effect on employees, stakeholders, society and the bottom line. There are many individual elements to consider, but most organisations won’t need to address them all; it will depend on the technical setup and financial framework of the implementation.
In this way, we might say Globeteam’s services are a series of elements that the individual organisation can pick from to ensure an optimal approach to their exact implementation. This individually tailored approach is essential, since all organisations have a distinctive character that should be considered in any implementation. Culture, structure and processes vary too, and will always be decisive when it comes to selecting which elements to include in the solution and how best to solve the task in practice.
Globeteam has a lot of experience with organisational implementation both in public and private companies. This is experience which we always bring with us to new solutions. Not in order to copy what we have done before, that would make no sense; but so it can serve as inspiration and help clients visualise the possibilities available to them before the plan for their organisational implementation is finalised.
Elements of organisational implementation
Organisational implementation consists of various elements. Globeteam has highly qualified consultants for each of those elements, all with relevant certifications and accreditations who can advise about and execute the individual tasks then tie them together with a value-creating unity. We have consultants with business-related as well as technical knowledge and together they will bring about the optimal organisational change.
Part 1 – Strategy and planning
A good starting point is looking at what has already been decided and at the organisation’s current strategy and vision, in which direction do they point? As a natural part of this work, we investigate which opportunities the practical and financial framework provides and, not least, what gains can be expected from the implementation. If there is already a decision and plan in place for the technical implementation, then that will most often form the basis for the work. If not, then the basis for change might come from the desire to optimise or reorganise a certain process or organisational unit. We must work towards a result that is sufficiently clear and targeted, then put together a collective plan for the subsequent stages.
Del 2 – Assessment
Here, the strategic decision and direction is thoroughly tested and held up against the practical reality within the organisation. Depending on the nature of the business, we can look into the technical setup for example, or maybe user skills, culture, structure, and processes. The goal of the change will often be included at this stage, quite simply because in most places it is important that the elements of the change are connected to measurable goals so that the expected profit realisation can be made visible after the implementation.
Part 3 – Plan for the organisational implementation
Based on the material gathered in stages 1 and 2, a collective plan for the organisational implementation is developed. The time schedule and stages will typically be based on the technical implementation, as that is often what forms the basis for the change. The individual elements are put into the plan as project activities, and, where possible, the profit realisation goals are incorporated within them. In terms of method, we can work in accordance with the client’s preferred change model. However, we often end up using a Prosci® change management model with the corresponding ADKAR methodology for the change management part itself.
Part 4 – Change Management – planning and alignment
The operationalisation is broken down into several relevant plans for the change management work itself. Here, Globeteam uses the Prosci® model. First, the relevant tools of the model are used to analyse the organisation, then plans and detailed activities in relevant areas are specified based on the analysis results. At the very least, there will always be plans and activities within communication, competence development, adoption (use) and profit realisation. Through the work, we also ensure managerial anchorage and construction of a surrounding support network.
Part 5 – Change Management – implementation
The operationalisation is then carried out based on the described plan. Globeteam can be in charge of all activities, but most often the work is carried out in a close collaboration between the responsible Globeteam consultants and the project organisation/end-users with the client.
Most often ADKAR is the fundamental approach we take:
- Awareness – The communicative task here is to ensure the target group is knowledgeable about the change in all relevant areas.
- Desire – Motivation is built up within the organisation so that everyone in the target group is ready to participate in the change.
- Knowledge – Skill build-up for the target group so that everyone is capable of managing, mastering and using the new opportunities.
- Ability – Promote the target group’s use of the new opportunities so that they start to improve their own processes and workflows as planned and outlined in the profit realisation goals.
- Reinforcement – Retention and improvement. Maintain the good changes and rethink those that do not provide the desired effect. This is done in collaboration with the target group to achieve the outlined profit realisation goals.
Part 6 – Follow-up and finalisation of the project
When the change management activities have been carried out, there is a follow-up of the collective operational implementation adapted to the type, goal and scope of the change. Typically, there will be input from the target group in the shape of qualitative and quantitative analyses, combined with system data on actual use. This data can then all be used to compare against the original strategy/plan, as well as the outlined profit realisation goals for the change.
Method and practical implementation of organisational change
One size does not fit all when it comes to organisational change.
There is a vast difference in terms of how much involvement each organisation wants to have with tasks. Globeteam’s consultants are used to this, which is why we get involved where there is a need and are happy to share our knowledge and experiences along the way. With our approach to organisational implementation, the specification of the individual solution will always require a dialogue between Globeteam and the organisation. Globeteam will use this dialogue to come up with a project proposal that describes the agreed upon activities, tasks, task distribution and the expected timeframe.
Our approach is flexible, and we work on large and small tasks within this field. It only takes 5 hours to get the communication in order for some solutions, whilst others require intensive training of the users in large, international organisations. Please contact us to find out more about our experience – the great advice is always free!
Globeteam’s experience and skill
Throughout the years, Globeteam has worked on organisational change in many different organisations and companies.
- We have put together digitisation strategies and helped companies realise them, and also helped execute organisational implementation.
- We have helped with the selection and implementation of standard systems and have ensured that any new system and process has been received positively within the organisation.
- We have analysed IT departments and other organisational units and helped their transition to becoming more modern and efficient.
- We have been responsible for developing special systems to support specific business processes, for example within The State Sector Competency Fund, The City of Copenhagen and Taxa 4×35, where we were also responsible for communication, training, etc. to ensure the organisational change.
Furthermore, within the last 3 years, Globeteam has carried out over 50 client projects that involved organisational implementation. Many of these were in relation with the organisations’ need to quickly adapt to use Microsoft Teams for online meetings and collaboration during the COVID pandemic. As part of this we also ran the broader M365 implementation, tackling everything else that is required to move an organisation from being on premise to the cloud.
Compliance and security, Modern Workplace and endpoint management, file migration, Windows and Citrix/VPN have all also, in the majority of cases, become an integrated part of any organisational change. Just finding your files, connecting remotely and being able to work virtually in a secure way with both internal and external partners, all of this requires something of the user! And the use of these new options – and their profit realisation – will always be conditioned by the desire and ability of users to actually use them.
At Globeteam, we can help your organisation think through all of this. We can create an overview, and ensure an easy-to-understand, managed, and smooth implementation of all new elements for the users, resulting in efficiency and satisfaction. We have highly specialised and certified consultants in the relevant areas. Our consultants are used to seeing both the possibilities and the challenges in these “new elements”; they look at the project from all relevant angles, not just from the server room.
What is your profit?
Use it or lose it! To put it bluntly.
Organisational implementation is no guarantee that users in the organisation will then go on to use the new options in the intended way. But going through this process does demonstrate that you thought about how to best hand over the new solution to the business and to individual users. And the better the delivery, the higher the probability that they will choose to use the options in the optimum way. If this happens then the organisation changes and there it’s more likely that the outlined profit realisation goals will be achieved.
Organisational change does not in itself bring results, but studies from Prosci® show that active change management can increase the likelihood of successful implementation of a given project by a factor of 6.
In other words, organisational implementation, active change management, and a focus on adoption will provide you with a project that stays within budget, ends on time and bring the expected effects. And that is definitely something worth pursuing!